Saturday was an exciting and humbling run. 20 miles. On one hand, "the wall" finally found me. Except I'm pretty sure my wall was actually a gigantic hill. We're talking a Dante's fourth circle of hell kinda hill. The
Glass City Marathon is supposed to be "flat and fast." If it's even half as hilly as Higgins Lake, I'll run like a freaking gazelle. On a positive note, I RAN 20 MILES. And I'm not incapacitated. And there are still eight weeks until the race. I ran 12 of the 20 miles by myself, so I'm looking forward to crowd support. I'm also finally learning the serious value of mantras. I never used one when racing 13.1, but "It's mostly in your head" and "No matter how much you have to slow down, just don't stop" really helped yesterday.